about the bigger picture and what our actions could lead to...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
the rebel
about the bigger picture and what our actions could lead to...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
the challenge
But even the smallest situation leaves a lingering affect in a persons life.
..."no matter how random the situation may seem, there always is a plan"...
the precious lives that were too young to be taken
By: Me
Having you here with me
Now seems like a distant memory
When I could feel and touch and hold your hand
Oh what I would give to have you back again
That smile, those laughs, your beaming eyes
The room is filled with painful cries
We will never understand why it is you left
But know in our hearts is where your memory is kept
Will you save me a spot up there in heaven
That is when we will be reunited again
Until then I will constantly love and miss you
Because you have been so special to me I will never forget

Monday, June 21, 2010
the summertime

Sunday, June 20, 2010
the way, the truth, and the life
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
the skull and the elephant

This is my very first piece...EVER! It is a representation of a still-life that we were given to recreate on a canvas. I had a lot of awesome compliments about my use of vibrant colors and the way unique style I have in capturing light and movement. It made me feel really good to have people say such nice things about my painting, because I became very frustrated with it at the very beginning. I didn't know what to do or where to start. I didn't have a trained eye that could focus on parts of the painting in pieces I felt overwhelmed, but after I put it away and gave myself time to come back to it really started to come to life. Through this first piece I was able to find my style and embrace my unique technique! Even though my skills are still very 'beginner', many people noticed something in my painting that I couldn't see, and their encouragement helped me to continue grow and develop my style as an "artist".

This is my second piece. This is also of a still-life that we were given to recreate. I felt very intimidated at first by this elephant, there was so much detail in his features and his body that I had no idea how to bring all that to life on the canvas. My teacher Franklin Willis helped me by giving me different tools to use and experiment with, this was the end result. At first I hated it and then the more I worked on it the more I liked it...it slowly became more complex than I had ever intended it to be, but I really like it and think it has so great contrast and different elements that make it stand out.
Monday, June 7, 2010
the fresh start

I am a recent college graduate. I just received the most amazing graduation gift…a new car! Her name is Molly, which is short for Hot Tamale, because this car is HOTT! I’m in love with it! =)
I just got a gym membership at LifeTime Fitness and I have been working out almost every single day! I’m starting to watch what I eat and taking better care of myself.
Also, I’m currently redecorating my room, to create my own little place of silent retreat. So far, it looks great! I’m transforming everything around me.
This week I’m buying a new laptop and preparing myself to enter the real world. I’m updating my resume and putting together my portfolio, ready to put my best foot forward and keep walking.
new car, new me, new home, new path…all the components you need for a fresh start.
This is such an exciting place to be in life. All the options open to you and all you have to do is get out there and start makin’ moves! I’m ready! I’m thrilled to see where God takes me and how He will use me. I’m ecstatic to see who He will bring into my life and what ways He will grow me.
Every day is a blessing and I intend to live each day as such.
Friday, June 4, 2010
the life
I’m 22 years old. In these 22 years of my life I have been through so much. Experiences I never thought I would have and instances where you say to yourself “this can’t be happening”. I have experienced pure joy and happiness. I have laughed till I cried and spent countless nights with people I love. I have also endured pain and hatred. Those moments that you feel lost, alone and as if nobody cares. I’ve been there...up and down, high and low, strong and weak. God has been my strength through everything!
I’m in my fourth year of college. I’m grateful that I made it this far, but it wasn’t easy to get here. Nobody can really prepare themselves for what life might throw your way, and the adventure is different for everyone.
No story, no chapter, is exactly the same. It is mysteriously beautiful. It is those times in life where you find yourself at a crossroad and you have to make the decision of which way to go. This decision could change everything.