Leaving Altus, OK
7 hrs 3 mins / 428.28 miles
Arriving at Del Rio, TX
our storage unit = chaos
this is my sweet boy
for there was no room for them at the Inn....so they stayed at a Motel 6
drive-thru Subway!
enjoying the beginning of summer lounging by the pool!
THANK YOU to the Jones Family for welcoming us into their home!
motorcycle ride on the Green Hottness! woo!
took a ride to Eagle Pass for lunch
we are just too cute together!
The Drive to Goodyear, AZ
12 hrs 46 mins / 875.45 miles
Welcome to Arizona!
My brother and I,
with our dark hair companions ;)
found time to wash the Tahoe, the Hoe is a dirty girl =) haha!
because we are AWESOME we went for a HOT AIR BALLOON RIDE!
We had a great time floating through the air...
Thank you to my G-Phi sisters for making this memory possible!
God is good! We are so blessed!

On the road again! Leaving AZ and heading back to Del Rio, TX

ANOTHER .... 12 hrs 46 mins / 875.45 miles

Leaving Del Rio, TX driving to Meridian, MS to see The Shirley Family

13 hrs 46 mins / 869.16 miles

saying goodbye to Mississippi, and hello to Alabama!

2 hrs 17 mins / 146.68 miles

hanging out with Robbie and Joanna!

spent the night at Pope AAF in Fayetteville, N. Carolina
8 hrs 20 mins / 522.43 miles

Welcome to New Jersey!!!

8 hrs 12 mins / 485.99 miles

Home Sweet Home! McGuire, AFB in New Jersey

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