I am engaged to a truly remarkable man. He is the man I have dreamed of since I was a little girl and he makes me feel like a princess every single day. He is an amazing man of God, a pilot, and a Captain(sel) in the United States Air Force. He is currently on a temporary duty to Altus AFB, OK for C-17 pilot training. This man is my hero and never does anything short of perfection; so why would the day he asks me to marry him be any different?
Friday, March 4th 2011, I was awoken at 7:30 a.m. to a good morning kiss from my sweet boy. I look down to find a perfectly placed single stem red rose in my arms. He looked at me and smiled saying, "I want to give you this rose. I love you because I think you are perfect!" My heart melts and he continues to tell me that throughout the day I will be getting a total of seven roses. He next surprised me with breakfast in bed. After we cuddle together for a few minutes, he informs me that we have a busy day ahead of us and I need to get up and get ready. I jump up out of bed and immediately get showered and dressed for the day. He tells me we are doing something special today, so I should dress in something warm, something I could get dirty, something that I would be comfortable in and of course, something cute. As we are ready to walk out the door I notice that my phone is missing. Starting to panic, he eases my mind and says that we will look for it when we come back and that I wouldn't need it anyways. So around 9:15 a.m. we head out together to see what he has in store for us!
We drive about 15 minutes from the Air Force Base and park next to a large building that looks like a warehouse or something. I have no idea where we are or what we might be doing until we pull around the corner of the building and there is a sign that reads "Aviation Rental." My stomach drops and my heart starts pounding even more! We walk to the front of the building and there is a small one propeller engine airplane; later to find out its called a Cesna 172. He looks at me and says, "We are gonna go fly that!" My mouth is gapping open as I can not believe what we are about to do! All I can think is … my mom is going to kill me when she finds out what we did! :) We walk over to the aircraft and Stu opens the passenger door and on the passenger seat is a single red rose (rose #2). He turns around, hands me the rose and says "I love you because you have faith, in God and in me." With my life literally in his hands, we board our aircraft after running through all the preflight checklists and safety checks. The rental operator comes out to the aircraft before starting and hands Stu an envelope and says, "It might be a little bumpy up there…" Unbeknown to me, it was a puke bag, luckily, I did not have to use it! We are sitting side-by-side in this itty-bitty cockpit, practically bumping elbows. We have our head sets on and are able to talk to each other as well as other aircraft. He pulls the airplane out onto the runway and we take off into the sky (wild blue yonder)! It was the most thrilling experience ever! From the cockpit, you could see for miles in all directions; the sun was bright that morning and the clouds were lightly scattered around us.
We arrived at Lake Altus, parked the SUV and could see the water directly in front of us near the resort. Getting out of the Tahoe, I exclaimed, "This is exciting! We are going on an adventure." (Such is our lives). We saw some cement stairs that lead down to the water and decided to wonder down to take a look. As we headed down the stairs, I saw on the last step near the water was a single red rose (rose #3). He picks it up and we take a seat on the stairs. Stu hands me the rose and says "I love you because you go on adventures with me!"
I have the unbelievably gorgeous ring on my finger and I can't stop looking at it! We spend the two and a half hour drive talking about our future and making plans for our BIG day! As we near Oklahoma City, I didn't really notice that we were driving toward the airport. As we drive into the airport parking lot, I look up at him and say "Baaabee…why are we at the airport?” He parks the car and says, "You haven't gotten a rose in awhile so I would like to give you another one now…" he opens the center consul of the Tahoe and inside is a single red rose (#5). He hands it to me and says, “I love you because you let me be sneaky…" I laugh because the whole "sneaky" thing is an inside joke between the two of us whenever he tries to surprise me. He reaches up to the dashboard of the SUV and pulls out two boarding passes and asks me, "How would you like to go surprise your parents in Phoenix? I told you that we had reservations!" I'm now literally in shock! How in the world did he pull all of this together? I'm overwhelmed and so excited to be able to go home and see my family! What a joy to be able to tell them the BIG NEWS in person!? Stu reaches behind my seat and says, "Well, my bags are packed," as he grabs his backpack. I wasn't upset because i have too many clothes at home as it is. We start walking through the airport security and I have nothing with me but the clothes on my back. Then I asked him…."Do you have my phone?!"…"Of course I have your phone Babe, and don't worry I packed your charger, too." Now I know even more just how thoughtful he is!

We land in Phoenix, Arizona at 8:30 p.m. Stu asks me if I think my parents will still be awake, since we plan to surprise them. I told him that they might be asleep, but that they were going to get woken up regardless with our exciting news! My mom and dad will both be so surprised to see us and hear all about everything. I ask Stu how he plans to get from the airport to my house and he says that we will just hail a taxi. As we walk out to the curbside I see a man holding a sign which reads Mr. & Mrs. Renz. My mouth drops open because the driver is standing in front of a big white stretch limo! How does this day continue to get better and better!? The driver opens the door and sitting on the seat of the limo is a single red rose (rose #6). We get into the limo and my tears start flowing again. Stu hands me the rose and says "I love you because you are beautiful!" We sit right next to each other, even though we have this entire limo to ourselves! :)
The limo pulls up to my house, all the lights are off and only my mom's minivan is in the driveway. I'm sure that my parents are in bed by now because it is now 9:15 p.m. As we walk toward the front door, Stu grabs my hand and says "What would make this day even better?" and I say "This day is perfect, I couldn't ask for anything more." He says "But if you could have it all, what else would you want" and I looked at him and said, "…for everyone to be here…" He opens the front door to my house and ushers me inside… the lights flip on! Everyone jumps to the their feet and yells, "CONGRATULATIONS!" Everyone is there! My mom and dad, my brother and his fiancée, my best friends and their husbands, my sorority sisters, my grandparents, and two of Stu's brothers flew from Washington State to be there! I was speechless. I was full of emotions and so happy!! I couldn't even make words come out of my mouth. I was in awe! I hugged my wonderful fiancé and squeezed him as hard as I could. He has just made my every dream come true. This day was remarkable and a day that I will NEVER forget.
We walked into my house and my Mom and girlfriends had the whole place decorated. We had cake, food, sparkling cider, and desserts everywhere! It was the best engagement party a girl could ask for! We sat down in the living room with all my friends and family and told the most epic engagement story ever told….but wait! There is still one more rose left! After the night started to wind-down and everyone had gone home Stu pulled me upstairs into my bed room. He asked me to sit down on my bed. He pulled out a single red rose (rose #7). He sat next to me on my bed and said "I love you because….you're mine." I cried again… my heart is overflowing with love and happiness! This man, Stewart Joseph Renz, is now my fiancé and I am his! I'm the luckiest girl in the whole world and I'm so blessed that he would do all of this…for me.
7 is God's number. It is a Biblical number of perfection, I see now why there was a total of 7 roses. This was beyond the most perfect day of my life. It was as if every dream came true all at the same moment. I am head-over-heels in love with this terrific guy and I am so excited to be able to share our story with you. It is only the beginning…of an amazing life-long adventure. Wherever he goes, I'm happy to be his cute and adoring co-pilot. :)
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